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Hadley is a designer based in Brooklyn, NY. She uses industrial design to explore how objects shape how we live, relate to one another and the self, and see the world. She loves poetry and provocation.
Parsons School of Design, MFA Industrial Design. 2019-2021
Wesleyan University, BA Chemistry (Biochemistry track) & Sculpture Thesis. 2013-2017
Scholarships & Awards
Grant Recipient, Design for Aging Fund, Parsons School of Design. 2020
Winner, Wanted Design French-American Design Schools Workshop. 2020
Finalist, Biodesign Challenge Summit. 2020
Honors, School of Constructed Environments, Parsons School of Design. 2021
Provost Scholarship, Parsons School of Design. 2019-2021
High Honors in General Scholarship Thesis, Wesleyan University. 2017
2021. Soft Quarterly (Summer printed publication):
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